My Scooter! |
I got my scooter bike :) It is super cute and so much more my style then the motor bike sporty types everyone else I know is driving. I love it. Kyle, Bridget and I spent the afternoon at Central Airport Plaza (the mall) looking around. I wanted a one piece bathing suit for swimming after school in the school pool to get some exercise, as being in my bikini at school is just not a great plan. Bridget didn't really want to go, but ended up finding a few cute things, Kyle got some good finds and I bought a coral button down shirt I had seen last time we were there and really wanted. And I found a great retro style, plain black, one-piece bathing suit. They had a few different styles that were retro looking, but the one I ended up with is black and like the red and white polka dot one from my last post. It's perfect, as I feel I would actually wear it aside from just swimming at the school pool. The fun part though, was that since I am in Thailand and the sizing is different, I had to buy an XL. Good thing I am not one of those girls who cares what size my clothes are cause I would have cried. I started out with mediums and larges to try on, but had to up the size as it just wouldn't fit. It was kind of funny really, size small at home to an extra large here. As long as I got the bathing suit I wanted and it fits, that is all that matters. I just want to swim in the beautiful pool at school. After we finally got out of the mall, we headed to the city to get me my scooter. We parked at the Taipei Gate and decided to walk to the bike rental place. Once we got there, only one place seemed to have the type I wanted, the Fino. Thankfully Kyle talked the guy down from 3000 baht a month ($97 CAD) to 2500 bath a month ($80 CAD). So I filled out the forms, and got the key. But we left it there for now so we could go eat dinner. We headed to the Burmese restaurant, with a few book store pit stops, and I had the green tea salad, it was amazing. Afterwards we hopping on Kyle's bike and he drove me to mine and I rode it home! So excited.
School Pool |
This is the School Pool |
I also went on a walk one night this past week, through my neighbourhood. I really just followed my street along. It was so lovely. I walked about 30 minutes down the road and turned around. So many cute houses, stray dogs, little corner store type shops, and even little restaurants in what looked like houses. It was very different than walking down my street in Pickering, that's for sure. Every person I passed on my walk stared at me, probably wondering who the faring (the generic Thai word for Westerner) was walking down the street. It was kind of funny but I just smiled and carried on. I had my headphones on so aside from the one guy on a bike who said Hello, I am not sure if anyone tried to engage conversation with me. Many of them smiled though. I took pictures along my way, mostly for memories of where I lived and some to share with others so they can get an idea of where I live right now.
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