February 15, 2012

Chiang Dao (and the couple days after)

I meant to write this on Sunday when I got back from my weekend away, but then I got lazy. Finally getting around to it now. It's hard to keep up with a blog sometimes when you work all day, go do things after work and sometimes you just want to come home and relax. I have to be in the write mood to open this up and type about what's been going on in my life. I am in that mood now, so I figured I shouldn't waste the moment and should tell you all about Chiang Dao.

Chiang Dao is a small town about an hour and a half north of where I live in Chiang Mai. My friend Megan won a voucher for 1000 baht for a 'hotel' (actually bungalows) called Nest to stay at in Chiang Dao. When she announced her plans to go, she was going alone and I had plans to go Bangkok with my roommate, he was going to meet up with his sister who was in Thailand. Alas, my plans to Bangkok changed, due to the fact that I had already been there once, will be going again in May for a weekend, and really didn't like it enough to do it three times. Not worth the money for me. So once that happened, things kind of just fell into place to spend the weekend away in Chiang Dao. Less money, due to the fact that we rode our bikes (scooter for me) up there, and she had the voucher and it wasn't too much more than 1000 baht for the two nights. I was in!

So Friday afternoon, we headed out just after noon, as we had a teacher's work day and didn't have to be there to teach. We took the ride up there, going at a speed we were both comfortable with. Around bends, which there were many of once we started going through the mountains, I took my time. I am a lot more confident now since my accident, but bends I just feel more comfortable going slower. Thankfully Megan didn't seem to mind. After about an hour and a half, we got to Chiang Dao and Megan, who was leading the way, drove by our turn to the street to get to Nest. To turn around she turned into a rocky parking lot. Now my instincts told me to just turn and park on the side of the road in front. But trying not to be too paranoid I drove in too. We discussed quickly turning back and such, and next thing I knew my bike had fallen on me. So here I was trapped under my bike, scratched up my leg that wasn't too damaged from my accident, and re-bruising my almost healed leg. Clumsy as per usual. A guy rushed out and helped. And I cleaned my wounds at the bathroom where he was. Thai people are so friendly in these situations, must happen a lot. Stupid farangs (foreigners) always falling on their bikes. So after that excitement we headed to Nest.

Once we got there it was beautiful. Little bungalows with beautiful mountains almost all around. We checked in and hit up the pool, which was located at Nest, we were staying just down the road at Nest 2, for a little bit of sun before it disappeared. Unfortunately the pool was mostly in the shade due to trees and mountains. But we relaxed and read for a bit anyways. Then we headed back to Nest 2 to grab some dinner. After a delicious shared meal of spring rolls, green coconut curry buffalo and cashew chicken and rice, with a dessert of chocolate cake, we went back to the bungalow and just relaxed. Saturday morning we had a lovely breakfast (finally had bacon, as I hadn't eaten any since I left home) and went to the pool for a couple hours to relax and read. Again the sun didn't hit the poolside very well, so we moved our lounges to the grass, but eventually there was just shade. I got plenty of sun anyways.
Nest 2 Restaurant

View from restaurant
Sitting area outside the bungalow
Out bungalow
View from pool
Front of Nest 2
Aroi maak (very delicious) spring rolls
Cashew chicken

Green coconut curry buffalo
Afterwards, we had a quick snack at our bungalow and headed to the Chiang Dao Cave down the street. The cool thing about this cave is that it is also a temple. So I had to wear a scarf to cover my shoulders, as I hadn't packed a tshirt or anything other than a long sleeve shrug to keep covered respectably. We wandered through the lit part of the cave, for 100 baht more we could have had a guide with a lantern take us through the part that isn't lit. But we were fine just doing the part we did. It was pretty cool to see how they turned it into a temple and just be there. Afterwards we wandered the grounds outside, taking pictures of the cool temple buildings and statues of Buddha and such. As we were about to head back, my only pair of flip flops (black havianas I am pretty sure I stole from my mum) broke. I walked a bit without it, but asked one of the people at a shop where I could find a pair to buy. He pointed me in the right direction. 30 baht later (like a dollar Canadian) I had new flip flops, throwing out the broken ones). And we headed back to Nest 2.
Me at the entrance to the Temple/Cave

The stairs to the Cave

The start of the Chiang Dao Cave

Temple parts of the Cave

Hanging out in the cave

Dangerous, or danqerous as they wrote, if you go to the unlit area.

Inside the Cave

Me in Cave

Me chilling with Buddha

Temple building

Temple and mountain in the background just outside of the Cave 
We attempted to go to Nest for dinner this time, but the prices were higher and I was not really liking much on the 'Western' menu, so we headed back to Nest 2. There we shared spring rolls yet again, and a papaya and king prawn in a tamarind curry, and some pork dish. All quite delicious. Followed by mango coconut stick rice for dessert. Afterwards we retired to our room to read and sleep. In the morning we woke up, had some tea/latte and breakfast and we headed home. That ride up and home was just lovely, through the mountains and on the winding roads. I quite enjoyed it. Aside from the fact that my bum was numb like 30 minutes into the drive.
Green tea with breakfast
Papaya & King Prawn with Tamarind Curry

Pork dish
Mango sticky rice
Stray cat enjoying the view while we ate breakfast

Sunday after getting back I relaxed at home, watched SNL from that weekend, as my favourite, Zooey Deschanel, hosted, with Karmin as a musical guest. Monday night I headed over to the Rim Ping market to show Leah the lovely things there, with Megan as well. I found a few cute items that I just could not say no to, especially for the price.
Seafoam Green and Purple striped shirt

Blue heart polka dot dress <3

long sleeve striped with a bow and crocheted neck line
plethora of earrings

Dinner for 25 baht (80 cents)
The day after was the day of student track meet, and also Valentine's Day. I think Valentine's Day is a joke, personally. But thought it was cute that my students sent me flowers and gave me chocolates. I had a lot of fun being at the student's track meet. About half of grade 6 went, so I went as a supervisor and the other Grade 6 teacher stayed behind with the kids who didn't go. I was dreading it a little beforehand, but it ended up being a lovely day. Getting to encourage some of my students who felt nervous and watch them do high jump and shot-put. It was a nice day away from my classroom and desk.

Vday presents from students

My student Ehu doing high jump

My student Anne doing shot-put. She was so nervous.
So that concludes my long post with lots of pictures. Sorry about that.


  1. does that little bow come on that long sleeved top with the pretty crocheted neckline? i reallllllly want one. i'm kind of thinking about transfering you some money (enough to mail me a package) and getting you to buy me some stuff, haha!! whaddya say?

    1. What kind of stuff you want? I could get you a few things no problem. Everything is so cheap and cute here.
      And the bow did come on the shirt. Super cute. I saw it just after I said I wasn't buying anything else... but for 200 baht (like $6.50) I couldn't say no.
