February 01, 2012

My heaven is Thai markets!

Shopping! Oh how I love buying pretty new things. I blame my parents for spoiling me as a child, oh wait they still spoil me. Either way, I love shopping. But I haven't always had the funds to support this addiction. This fact does not matter as much now that I am in Thailand, as the markets are the perfect solution. There are better selections and cheaper prices!

Yesterday after school, Megan and I met up with Kyle at Rimping (the little shopping area with the grocery store on the way home from school) to go to their night markets. They are set up and open Mondays and Tuesdays. We got there a little early, as they only start setting up at wish and aren't really ready until 5 or after, so we went for dinner at a Kelly's located in the shopping centre. Kyle and Megan had fish and chips. I had a BLT, which was not exactly to my liking. I miss canadian bacon already! Not to mention there was marinara sauce on it. Strange. My banana smoothie was delicious though. I drink smoothies at almost every restaurant I go to. Thankfully the meal was cheap. We got out of there just after 5 and headed over to the stands.

As we wandered through looking at all the goodies each stand had to offer, I knew I was in heaven. There were so many cute dresses, dangerous for a girl who owns 70+ dresses, and only brought a select few with her to Thailand. If I had taken proper time and searched through every stand last night, I am sure I would've come home with many more treasures than I did. But we mostly scanned each stand, only really looking harder if something caught our eye in particular. One thing I love about the fashion here: bows! So many bows, and so many kinds. Everywhere. I love it. Sometimes it is a little over the top. As much as I love them, I do not want to look like I am a child (more than I already do). Another thing is, cheap sunnies. I probably could've gone home with more but the one pair I really liked were Louis Vuitton knock offs, which I do not like real or fake usually, and just not worth 350 baht (about $11 CAD) to me. I knew I would find more another day, somewhere, that I liked just as much, if not more, for cheaper.

So we wandered through the aisles, stopping every so often to check out a dress, or old converse chucks, and the tables full of hair clips or sunnies. Kyle split off from us in search of furniture and such, while Megan and I made sure to at least try to walk by every stand. My first purchase were two cute bows to clip in my hair. I love bows and flower clips in my hair, and I left all of mine at home, as I did not being any accessories with me. I couldn't resist. And for 59 baht each ($1.90 CAD), I couldn't say no. Once I bought those, it opened a flood gate. I wanted everything. I restrained myself though and kept it small. I fell in love with all the nautical pieces that I found every where. So it was hard for me to choose just one thing. So I chose a few. First item was a cute long sleeve navy and white striped shirt with an anchor on it. The second was a beautiful sweater dress in beige and navy, with anchors on it. And the last was a pair of earrings. The earrings were 3 for 50 baht ($1.60CAD) so after I saw a cute bow pair and the nautical one, I found some owls to give to Carly as a souvenir. As for sunnies, I only bought one pair for now. Well one for me, one for Ryan. Other than that, I bought some stickers for my students and called it a night. I could have easily stayed all night looking and buying, but there will be other nights and other markets. I need to pace myself, or I'll blow every pay cheque I make here on clothes and not get to travel.

Earrings: all made by the guy running the booth

Earrings I bought

Hair bows!

Anchor sweater dress
Anchor long sleeve tee
My new sunnies!

Side note: there is such a difference in sizing here it is crazy. Market clothes are hard to come by in big sizes. Many things I looked at were so small, and I am not a big person. At home I fit a small, especially one top, but here, it's a different story. Large, or in the case of my one piece bathing suit, extra large, is my "Thai size". It makes me sad to think that if I was much bigger than I am now, I probably wouldn't be able to fit many of the cute things I will come across. But if you look at how petite Thai women are, it makes sense. Good thing I am a secure individual, or that could be real depressing. 

After our market shopping we came home and relaxed. I have woke up the past two mornings with my body aching beyond belief. So today I came straight home from school, still have yet to get back in that school pool for a swim, and I am relaxing. I do not like to fix myself by taking medication, but I may have to take an ibuprofen tonight to get my neck and back to stop hurting so I can sleep. I have woken up many times in the past two nights from the pain of moving in my sleep. Hopefully I will be better soon enough. Things could be worse. I have been riding my scooter still, taking corners super slow for now. I am comfortable on it, but certain corners make me nervous. But I think I will be just fine :)

1 comment:

  1. hey miss!

    so excited for my earrings, they're so cute. i feel like i would LOSE MY MIND here...in a good way. actually not lose my mind, lose my money is more like it. i am sucker for cheap, cute things.

    also...just a little side note: i noticed that you changed your font and the mix between the fancy font and the light colour is making it difficult to read. if you made the font colour black or a darker blue it would help ;)
