March 24, 2012


I have been in Thailand for almost 3 months, meaning I have 3 months left until I am heading home. Right now, in this moment, I am feeling like I want to be home. I miss it. Well the people anyways. I miss seeing my best friends. I miss going out and knowing people wherever I go (usually Firkin). I miss a certain boy more than I ever thought I would. I miss having friends you can count on for anything. If I didn't have an amazing next few months planned, I think I would be ready to leave. That is how I feel right now anyways. Thankfully, I have an amazing April planned, with two of my favourite people coming to visit me from Australia. I get 16 days in the Thai islands with Megan (and with Nicole and Nick for some of it). Then May and June will be even more amazing with that boy here with me, and traveling to Singapore, Malaysia, Bali, Brunei and Philippines. This month of feeling alone and homesick is well worth the amazing 3 months I have ahead of me. One more week and life gets better :)


  1. Eeeee!! I'm excited to have you home too...but also I love seeing your photos and hearing about your experiences there and it makes me want to travel there SO much more than I already did. Everything looks so beautiful and you're living the experience of a lifetime, so just remind yourself that on those hard days. This is something you love doing, teaching and're living your dream miss!!

    Love you xo

    1. Thanks Car! I try to tell myself those things every day, well the bad days. But I am excited to come home and see your, and everyone else. It is always so nice to be back when I get home. :)
      And yes you definitely need to visit this amazing country.
      Love you! Xx
