I have noticed this previous to today, in fact I noticed it pretty much off the bat; it is much cheaper to eat out for dinner than it is to buy groceries and eat in. If you do it right. Now I know if you go to restaurants that cost you over 200 baht ($6.50 CAD) a meal, this may not be that true. But for someone like me, who does not eat much anymore, I do not usually spend over 200 baht a meal.
On average the meals I have had here cost anywhere from 20 to 200 baht ($0.65 to $6.50 CAD). This depends on the restaurant I go to, and whether or not I choose to partake in a smoothie/shake as a drink, which I usually do. Once a week I may indulge in a more expensive meal, but usually it is not much more than 200 baht. For 59 baht ($1.92 CAD) I can get a green tea salad, which is one of my favourite things to eat here from the Burmese restaurant called The Swan. This fills me up just fine. Add another 35 baht ($1.14 CAD) if I get a watermelon/lime shake, which I usually do. Last night I went to a place called The Salad Concept, where I got a massive bowl of caesar salad and a berry smoothie. The price for these all together was 145 baht ($4.71 CAD). Now that is all pretty cheap for going out to a sit down restaurant. Now if I were to just go to a food stall, or the market, I could get a container of pad thai for 20 to 35 baht ($0.65 to $1.14 CAD) that would easily fill me up, and occasion I have even brought home to eat the next day. Hell a plate of pad thai at The Swan is only 69 baht ($2.25 CAD).
I just stopped at the grocery store, Rimping, to pick up a few items to eat. Since I am not much of cook when it comes to Thai foods, and pretty much never cook anything here at all, I chose to get some crackers and cheese. Then I had to buy a small thing of toilet paper. And may have got a small thing of hummus and pita for tomorrow or the weekend. A few cheaper snacks of Tim Tams and chips, and my total was 700 baht ($22.80 CAD). This will feed me for a few days yes. But hardly even considered a full meal when you think about it. If I were to legit find foods to make up a meal or two with these items in mind, it would have been even more money. For 700 baht, someone like me could eat out at least 5 times a week, if not more.
These things in mind, it's hard for me to feel the need to buy groceries. Why buy groceries to make food when I can pay less and have someone make it for me? Save money and be lazy? Yes please. The people making the food do a far better job than I ever do of creating my meals, hell I have found the cheaper the restaurant food, most times the better. I love street pad thai. I would eat it every day if I could. Hmmm, maybe I should. Also when you think of all the ingredients that go into a really good meal, such as the spices, sauces, and so on, and add that to your grocery list, well the money just keeps increasing.
Now the only down side is, when I get hungry at home and I have no food. I usually have fruit, as I buy cheap fruit from the market (10 baht for a tray of already cut up grapefruit, mango, pineapple, etc) for my breakfast. But those times when I really want something else, I usually don't have it. This has saved me from mindless snacking though, which is great. But I enjoy a good mindless snack once in awhile. Hence why I decided to go to the grocery store today, needed some food for tonight and snacks!
So that being said, point to my story. Cheaper to eat out than it is to buy food. At least for someone with a smaller appetite such as myself.
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